Iron Sharpens Iron

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." ~Proverbs 27:17. I believe that Christians should all work to support one another, and I pray this blog provides a way for those of us in the faith to talk, laugh, and live. Christianity is fun, and I hope this will be an enjoyable place for all of us...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Welcome Back!

Hey hey hey everyone! Yes, I know it's taken forever for me to post something on here; I admit it's gone by the wayside, but things have been quite busy for me. Soooooo here's an update:

In February I got engaged to Rebekah and we'll be married October 21st...we're excited! We'll be taking a week-long honeymoon to Venice, Italy, which is VERY exciting.

I graduated with my Masters Degree from UNC Charlotte in May...yes, I survived. It was one heck of a battle, though...I thought the Comprehensive Exam was going to kill me, but God is good and I got through it! It was a good accomplishment for me, even though I didn't enjoy grad school...but everything happens for a reason: if I didn't come to Charlotte, I wouldn't have met Bekah ;) And I love it down here too, coming down here was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Bekah and I bought a house in's a nice little place that'll be perfect for us. We did a little bit of painting, some yard work, and everything looks to be coming together slowly but surely.

In June I was hired by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department to be their new Citizens on Patrol Coordinator. It's a cool job that lets me work with all sorts of people and community members, and working for the police department is definitely a step in a good direction.

So now about the blog: I've decided to get it going again to serve really as a place to put my ideas down...hopefully I won't blabber on too much. As of late, I've felt my walk with God taking on a more academic slant, in a way...I want to know more in-depth about what I'm reading and who I'm reading about: where did it take place, when did it take place, and in what context? So far it's opened up a lot of ideas and even more questions that make me want to dig deeper, which is always a good thing. I can't say I'll be posting on a super-regular basis, but I'll try. And please, feel free to comment if you happen to stop by and take a look.

God bless!


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