Devil's Music?!

The above photos are of the Cross Movement and Third Day, a Christian rap group and rock group, respectively. Now why am I posting on this? Well it's simple: there are a number of people who do not recognize groups like these as valid means for spreading the Gospel. Some go as far as calling rap and rock the "Devil's Music." Now I do agree there's some so-called Christian bands out there whose content is about as Christian as a bag of laundry. But that's not my point. There are a number of very good Christian groups out there, and the Cross Movement and Third Day are just a couple of them. They are two groups of guys who absolutely love God, and it shows in their music...and their music reaches many for God. So why do people hate so much on these groups? To be honest: I don't know. I think people are inherently afraid of that they don't know or don't like. People who dislike rap will not like Christian rap. Fine. But that doesn't mean that rappers who praise God in their music aren't worth anything in God's eyes. I'm fed up with people who will throw around scripture to try to tell me and others that this type of music is not of God, but worships the world. That's absolute nonsense. God calls us to be His light on this earth...and these guys are doing just that. And people who get saved through their message are just as saved as someone who does it in a church. We have to remember that we're brothers and sisters in Christ and we need to build each other up, not tear each other down and discourage testimonies. Anything that glorifies God in a good way is good in my book, even if it's not necessarily my favorite thing. People need to be reached, and you can't always reach people through conventional means. Sure rock and rap as it's commonly known worships womanizing, violence, drug use, and and overall crazy life....but there are Christian artists out there who have been changed by God and are using their talents to spread His good Word!
1 Corinthians 1:27-30:
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God - that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
Yeah... I agree... People kinda grumble when they hear rock music and even more when it's rap or sreamo... but I pay attention to what coming out of their mouths... and if it ain't against what in the Bible, then to me it makes no difference if it's rock or plain out gospel... (now however, I am partial to the rock thing and will listen to it over most things out there...) For instance... I recently got a mohawk that lasted less than a week, but I took it to church before I shaved it completely off... and the people who had the biggest problem with it were friends of my parents... there was a certain stigma attached to it that most of the college aged crowd didn't care as much about it... so, it may just be an age difference... yeah I'm rambling... but hey, at least it's a post...
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