Jeremy Camp Unplugged!

This Sunday Bekah and I traveled down to Lexington, SC to see Jeremy Camp in concert. It was awesome to finally get to see him because he cancelled his performance at Sonfest due to personal reasons. When I got the tickets in the mail, I found out it was an Unplugged performance and not his usual rock show. I was down with that, because his Live Unplugged CD is very cool. The drive was not bad at all, we stopped for some dinner before going to the church to get in line. There was maaaaybe 400 people at the show, so it was a small, intimate concert and Jeremy came out and played for two whole hours with his band! Great stuff, I tell ya! I'd post some pics from the concert, but while they look fine on my laptop, they look horribly dark on my computer here at work, so I need to work on lightening them even more. Needless to day, Jeremy Camp really loves the Lord and it shows in his music and his performance. He took the time to give his testimony and to share the gospel with those in attendance. The highlight of the evening, in my opinon, was the impromptu southern gospel jam they was hilarious. I definitely encourage everyone to check out Jeremy Camp if he's in your neck of the woods and he's got a new CD out on Oct 31st, so get on that too. It's a relief Jeremy embraces his faith and is more than willing to share the gospel message with others, even if it eats up some concert time. After all, that's the most important thing!
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek."
~Romans 1:16
I commend Jeremy for sticking to his beliefs and sharing them...far too often do artists want to distance themselves from the "Christian label" and unfortunately, The Message gets lost in the process.
So this brings me to ask this: what constitutes a Christian band? Do they have to have a Christian message? Do the members have to just be Christians? Are bands like POD, Lifehouse, and U2 Christian bands? Tell me what you think! Leave your comments!
Depends on what you mean by Christian band. If you mean a band within the Christian genre (under which there falls other genres as well) then their lyrics should express Christian ideals and beliefs in a clear manner. If you mean something outside of a band being labeled Christian as a genre then it can be anything from band members being Christian to them singing Christian songs.
HI there!
I truly believe that a band that calls themselves a "Christian band" should be Christians. I also feel that their lyrics and actions should reflect that.
People in the spotlgiht have a certain responsibility to try to be good role models. If they are doing or saying things to the contrary, then they may lead someone down the wrong path.
I know people are human and make mistakes, but when you are a Christian, your main purpose should be to glorify God and spread the word about jesus.
That's just my opinion.
Thanks for sharing with us, Chris! I have been blessed to see Jeremy Camp twice before, and have met him personally. He is a genuinely great guy, and it is so clear that He loves the Lord! I'm glad you had a blessed time!
Now to discuss what I think constitutes a Christian band...
First and Foremost I think that all the members need to be Christians and leading a Christ-like existence. I don't think they necessarily have to sing about God all the time, but their lyrics should remain clean and should not go against God's word.
But in my opinion, if most people are truly a Christian than they would want to sing and give all glory to God. But they should always be an example of Christ since they are in the spotlight, representing the Lord.
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