Kindness for Weakness

I definitely admit that I had to use Google to find a song with "Kindness" in the title; and the search turned up this song by Dialated that's a group I haven't heard from in quite awhile.
Anyway, back on topic: What is kindness and how does it apply to each one of us? The Dictionary defines kindness as, "the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic; the tendency to be kind and forgiving." Now I'm sure everyone would love to be described as kind, and I'm also sure that most people like to think of themselves as pretty kind most of the time. But after reading that definition, do we necessarily fall into that category all the time? I know I sure don't. When you sit down and think about it, being kind is really easy when it doesn't take considerable effort from us; but when it takes thought, action, and patience. Here's a good example: it's real easy to give the loose change in your pocket to the Salvation Army guy ringing the bell in front WalMart during Christmastime...but what about when you know someone in church who, say, is out of a job and can't afford to fix their broken lawn mower and you own your own lawn care business? It's easy to say, "Well I normally get paid for this" and then blow it off completely, and it's also easy to think someone else is going to just come along and do it. We've all done it.
I think a lot of times Christians have completely the wrong idea of kindness: we alienate ourselves from the world around us; and in doing that, we alienate the people around us. We like to point out the flaws in others instead of helping them overcome those flaws, instead of loving them in spite of our differences. That kind of attitude makes the world resent us, but God wants us to act in a way that displays good character. Zechariah 7:9 says, "Thus has the LORD of hosts said, 'Dispense true justice and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother.' " Compassion is difficult's habit to drive by the person on the side of the road with the flat tire or to ignore the homeless man asking you for money on the street. But as Christians we need to follow Christ's example and have a people-focused mentality. Jesus saw how people were hurting and He loved them, and we must do the same, whether those around us are Christian, athiest, Buddhist, Muslim, black, white, Asian, Hispanic...we must be compassionate. At the moment, I'm reading the Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr., who is one of my favorite historical figures. In one of his most famous writings - Letter from a Birmingham Jail - is a stirring, eloquent call on church leaders to be more compassionate about people and social issues outside of the church. Dr. King definitely had the right idea: we have to be compassionate, we have to care.
On the other end of the spectrum, there's a growing trend in Christianity where people think kind deeds are all you need: don't go to church? Not a problem. Don't even own a Bible? Meh. Don't pray much? That's cool. All you gotta do is be loving and kind. You see how it's easy for a lot of people to buy into, right? Being nice to others makes you feel good...but it conveniently leaves out the hard work involved in being a Christian! Micah 6:8 says, "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" See, you have to practice kindness, be just, but you must also walk with the Lord and live by His commands: you can't just pick and choose what you want out of God...Christianity is not a cafeteria, it's all or nothing.
So let's get practical here: how do we practice kindness on a regular basis? I guess that depends on you: you can find a charity or two to support, or you can go through your closet and donate the clothes you don't ever wear to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army. You can also find volunteer/service opportunities through your local church, which can include - but aren't limited to - feeding the homeless, fixing cars for single moms, and visiting the sick. You can go on a missions trip or adopt an animal from a local shelter. You can buy lunch or some donuts for that crabby person at work. You can DEFINITELY smile a little more, say nice things to others, compliment your friends and co-workers, wave to your neighbors, wave to your local police officers (they like it, trust me). The possibilities are endless and range from the grand and expensive to the absolutely free...but they all achieve the same things: they allow us to do what God has commanded of us, but they also break down the barriers between Christians and the rest of the world. Everyone respects a kind deed, and if you're kind to others, they'll take notice. And what better way to reach lost souls for the Lord?
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